Refund policy

If you want to cancel the package you have purchased to download photos on our website for any reason, you can do it in a simple way and get a refund. But there are some conditions, if you want to cancel the package without downloading any photo within the first 30 days of purchasing the package, you can get full refund, if you want to cancel the package between 30 – 60 days, 60% of your wallet amount will be refunded. If you want to cancel the package after 60 days, only 30% of your wallet amount will be refunded. The amount given as bonus will not be counted while making the refund. Note- The above refund policy is not applicable even if a photo has been downloaded since the purchase of the package. However, if you want to cancel the package after more than one photo has been downloaded, you will be given only 30% of the amount in your wallet. Photographers’ subscription packages cannot be canceled and refunded in any way.